Monday, September 27, 2004

Jazz in Brussels

Time to visit Brussels, for the music Posted by Hello

Dr. Bunsen Honeydew and Beaker

"Today we are going to clash two galaxies"
"me me me, me me me !!"

Leonid Brezhnev invites a cosmonaut :

- I would like to honor you with a extremely important mission, you will fly to the sun !!
- Ehh,... excuse me sir, it is impossible, it is very hot out there.
- Ha ! you think we are idiots in the government ? you will fly at night. Posted by Hello

Camilo José Cela

There is always a smoking gun,
nevertheless "The family of Pascual Duarte" is a masterpiece and tells us of the life and the sad ending of Pascual at the "worgpaal" or "garotte". Posted by Hello

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Tennis, Men

Xavier Malisse, there is a bit of resemblance with the olympic finalist women tennis, picture below. ( Found out today : John Wayne is not dead, he is frozen :-) Posted by Hello

Tennis, Women

Amélie Mauresmo Posted by Hello

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Fiat Lux

A classic, when you love Paris in the forties. I keep on reading this comic, I just can't get enough of it. Now back to work today oeaark !Posted by Hello

Thursday, September 23, 2004


Simona Torretta, Simona Pari
Let them go you crazy fucks !
These women came to help you...
There is still some hope left
Now the king of Jordany tells us the women are still alive,
but now the kidnappers want money, more news on friday.
Let's hope so. to be continued....
Now here's a story with a happy end ! Finalmente libere
Welcome back !

Posted by Hello

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Farmer Son on speed

This list will be a self-fulfilling prophecy, something like "find dirty toilets in Europe"

Tyler Hamilton "I'm 100 % not-guilty"
Apparantly doping is not the only problem in todays cycling, this weekend a team mate of world champion "veldrijden" Bart Wellens died in a cross in Erpe-Mere, Flanders. They finished the cross as if nothing happened ! His heart gave up on him, at the age of 22 : Tim Pauwels

My grandfather said "I have to buy a new TV because the head of Eddy Merckx is growing too big" Posted by Hello

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Geen deuk in een pakje boter

Komaan kameraden van de vakbond !!! dees, Holland keeps on striking, the prime minister is in the hospital with a "rotten foot" or something, I'm too lazy to check it out. For the record, on the picture you see Belgian unionists from the quite powerful metal-industry socialist union, so-called "metallos"Posted by Hello

Monday, September 20, 2004

Sophia Loren

Giornata particolare, een klassieker tot en met, hier kun je u Italiaans wat oefenen !Posted by Hello

Where is Washington Irving ?

Who's your favorite character ?
Orr, Scheiskopff, Doc Daneeka, Milo Minderbinder, Major Major Major Major, Yossarian, Chief White_halfoat, Nurse Duckett, Havermeyer, Aardvark, ik ga voor Minderbinder, bombardementen verkopen is wel cool :-)
Posted by Hello

Sunday, September 19, 2004

There can be only one

Royal Antwerp Football Club, une ville, un club ... c'est simple comme bonjour. They might consider buying this wizard from Haarlem ( Holland ), Nuttin' no go So !!!
Posted by Hello

La Flandre

Ou les arbres croissent jusqu'en ciel

Vlaanderen boven
waar men een peer nog kan stoven
waar de mensen belangrijk zijn
en de buiken omvangrijk zijn
Vlaanderen mijn land
Bij het Noordzeestrand

Translation : (+/-)

La Flandre au-dessus ( ? )
ou on sait cuisiner avec les poires
ou les gens sont importants
ou les ventres sont gros
La Flandre mon pays
près du Mer du Nord

( mon ancien professeur français va me tuer ) Posted by Hello

Waldorf and Statler

"This is the worst blog I've ever seen !!!"
"Coming back next week ?"
"Of course !!!" Posted by Hello

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Cela est bien dit, mais il faut cultiver notre jardin...

L'exploitation de lignite en Allemagne..
Posted by Hello

Man Ray

Violon d'Ingres, la connection entre cet oeuvre et la peinture ci-dessous m'a frappée aujourd'hui.

Lekker dier


This painting has a lot of qualities, notice the realism of the sheets on the bed, and who is standing behing the curtain ? More : I like this painting because the woman is trapped in an act of privacy, well I like women and I like privacy

Cette peinture a beaucoup de qualités, il faut justement regarder le lit pour apprécier le maitre, en outre ( ?) qui se cache derrière les drapeaux, la femme est visiblement occupée par des besognes intimes, ça rend la peinture plus forte ( commentaire sur mon français ... hit me)

La Baigneuse Valpinçon Posted by Hello

Friday, September 17, 2004

Carla Bruni

Thanks to Sporza, the Belgian sports channel, I found out this lady can sing too, they used 'quelqu'un m'a dit' as soundtrack for a special on Richard Virenque, now I've heard she was with Mick Jagger, that's a bit of a disappointment, he could be my grandfather

"On me dit que nos vies ne valent pas grand chose,
Elles passent en un instant comme fanent les roses.
On me dit que le temps qui glisse est un salaud
Que de nos chagrins il s'en fait des manteaux
Pourtant quelqu'un m'a dit...{Refrain:}
Que tu m'aimais encore,
C'est quelqu'un qui m'a dit
que tu m'aimais encore.
Serais ce possible alors ?
On me dit que le destin se moque bien de nous
Qu'il ne nous donne rien
et qu'il nous promet tout
Parait qu'le bonheur est à portée de main,
Alors on tend la main
et on se retrouve fou
Pourtant quelqu'un m'a dit ...
Mais qui est ce qui m'a dit que toujours tu m'aimais?
Je ne me souviens plus c'était tard dans la nuit,
J'entend encore la voix,
mais je ne vois plus les traits"
Il vous aime, c'est secret, lui dites pas que j'vous l'ai dit"
Tu vois quelqu'un m'a dit...
Que tu m'aimais encore,
me l'a t'on vraiment dit...
Que tu m'aimais encore,
serais ce possible alors ?
On me dit que nos vies ne valent pas grand chose,
Elles passent en un instant comme fanent les roses
On me dit que le temps qui glisse est un salaud
Que de nos tristesses il s'en fait des manteaux,
Pourtant quelqu'un m'a dit que...

Posted by Hello

Los borrachos

Work is the burden of the drinking classes ( Oscar Wilde )Posted by Hello

Anders Frisk

This football referee will soon be hit by a projectile after the break in Champions League match As Roma-Dynamo Kiev, Frisk will remember his visit to Rome and cancel the match after 45 minutes. I do not envy him because what every Italian fears the most is a visit to the hospital, even worse than a Kafka nightmare. Source AFP Posted by Hello

Entrez, Entrez

Welcome everbody in my try-out testing blog. As it is very late in my time zone for today I will only post this brief welcome and some try out pictures. The best is yet to come

Lola rennt

Posted by Hello